Sunday, March 29, 2009

Early Hanami

We went to Aoyama Cemetery to enjoy early hanami. Riikka and Aura enjoyed beautiful cherry blossom, Oskari found many interesting things and Samuli took quite a few pictures.

It is still a bit chilly (and only about 10% of full blossom) so there were only a handful of people on hanami picnic. Having barbecue, drinking beer and sake, talking and singing loud, playing tag, etc. on a graveyard...

A big and old cemetery has hundreds of interesting objects.

And the scenery is magnificent!


Jenni, Kauppi, Lina,Teo and Valle said...

My "favourite" objects were the mailboxes at some of the graves. Did you notice them? It's somehow comforting to think that you could still mail to those that have passed away. Who knows, maybe the mailboxes do work as inter-dimensional gates...

ROSA Pahkala said...

Some years ago I was also wondering what those mailoxes are and asked the Japanese people in my office.

I hate to spoil your idea of communicating between different worlds.

Some graves may also have a box for business cards, where friends and relatives visiting the grave can drop their business card, informing the caretakers of the grave of the respects the visitors have paid to the deceased.