Saturday, August 09, 2008

Riikka keeps herself occupied

Just as I expected: two years as a housekeeper were enough for Riikka, and she started having different projects to keep herself occupied.

All of her projects (outside our kid's school) have been related to Finnish education and school system. The Japanese are very interested in how Finland has scored so high in international PISA surveys in 2000, 2003 and 2006. Riikka's 10 years of experience as a teacher has proven quite useful.

Here are some examples of her projects:

By far her biggest project has been a math book published by Gakken. The book is for 6-8 year old children and to be used at home to support learning.

If you understand Japanese, you can order the book here.

Earlier this year she was blogging weekly for Kumon with some of her friends. The blog was called Finland Mama's Blog, and contains stories about school life and family life in Finland .

If you understand Japanese, you can read the blog here.

In May Riikka gave two presentations about Finnish education system at IKEA.

If you understand Japanese, you can read a report here.

And just before her holiday she was interviewed by Kodomo-Ouen newspaper circulated among school teachers and parents.

If you understand Japanese, you can read the interview here.

I am so proud of her!



Anonymous said...

We are so proud, too!!
Riikka`s mother and father

Anonymous said...

I´m happy to know her, too. Riikka shows that finnish women do what she wants and Riikka is good in her job. Best wishes to all your family from Pia