Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tokyo Olympics 2016?

Before predicting the future Olympic games

the Japanese should study a bit more history and geography.

Nothing to say about the recent history,


Disneyland is in Anaheim, not in Los Angeles - why did they not choose Yokohama Landmark Tower as the symbol of 2016 games?

I do not thing there were any snowmen in Montreal in the middle of the summer. And Brandenburger Gate was still in Berlin, not in Munich.

I do not know about kangaroos in Melbourne...

but there definately are no wolves in Helsinki!

And there was no Disneyland even near Los Angeles in 1932, it was built starting 1954.

And I bet no moose walked the streets of Stockholm in 1912. But in 1908 some buses in London were still horse-drawn and the double decker looked quite different!

And actually 1906 summer games were also held (though they are not recognized).

I have to say I was upset about the wolves in Helsinki, but never thought I would find so many mistakes on the timeline. Graphical design must have been the main aim.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ensi lumi satoi Tokioon

Kaksi viikkoa sitten Tokiossa oli 23'C lämpöaalto (täysin poikkeuksellinen).

Tänään satoi talven ensilumi Tokiossa. Ainakin meidän havaintojemme mukaan. Tarkemmin sanottuna satoi räntää, tai märkiä tiskirättejä, jotka sulivat pois maahan osuessaan.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Odawara Castle

We went day tripping to Odawara, 80 km outside Tokyo to see the "old" Odawara Castle. It was well worth it. We actually planned to go yesterday, but as it rained we went today and were caught in the traffic.
Children were playing at the main gate.
Each castle in Japan apparently has a fish decoration on the roof, and each of them is slightly different from the other castles.
Wide angle - my family on a bench and the castle on a hill top.
The view from the castle is amazing, and has been even more amazing when there has been far less houses around it. The Hojo clan controlled for hundrets of kilometers, all the way trough Edo (Tokyo).
Signs of spring, plum bloossom and a small bird (unknown to us).
The colour of the setting sun paints the catsle nicely yellow.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Avannossa Kuusijärvellä

Kävimme Jonnin kanssa eilen savusaunassa Kuusijärvellä. Minä pulahdin tietysti myös avantoon, mutta Jonni tyytyi kameramiehen osaan rannalla. Ja nappasi aivan loistavan kuvan minusta avannossa!




(klikkaa isoksi ja laske suusta puhaltamani pisarat!)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Olen sanaton

Miksi kukaan edes tekisi tällaisen pelin?

Suomalaisista matkaoppaista saatetaan Japanin tullissa repiä saunakuvat pois, mutta samaan aikaan sarjakuvissa ja näköjään myös tietokonepeissä voi kuvata ihan mitä vain.

Tekijöiden mukaan aivan laillisesti:
"We believe there is no problem with the software, which has cleared the domestic ratings of an ethics watchdog body."

Käsittämätön tulkinta etiikasta.

Ei ihme, että japanilainen naisministeri totesi (päivää aiemmin, eri yhteydessä):
"In Japan, government is by men and for men, with most laws protecting men and keeping women in a lower position economically and socially. My job is to make sure that women and children get the rights they are supposed to have."

Siinä riittää vielä tekemistä.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Helsinki 6:30 am

After being awake a couple of hours I decedied to go out for a walk with my camera.

Everybody else was still sleeping at the hotel.

The coffee shop was closed, just the cleaner inside.

Full moon over Esplanadi.

Havis Amanda with no protection against the cold.

Lonely stand at the Market Square.

Gas lamp.

The Cathedral.

Not too busy railway station.

My destination - early morning coffee shop.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Kaikki alkoi kahvikekkereistä, muumimukeista ja kuivakakusta

Etusivusivu 15
Jos kiinnostaa, niin käykää kurkkaamassa haastattelua, joka tehtiin tammikuussa Riikan käydessä Porissa. Aiheena hänen tekemänsä kirjat täällä Japanissa.
(Linkki on vanhentunut, meillä on pdf, jos haluat lukea jutun)

Satakunnan Kansa, the newspaper of Riikka's home town, published her interview on Wednesday. Again she made it to the front page!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Laundry day

We went for a walk on this sunny Sunday afternoon. The neighbourhood has several coin laundries, like this "USA Coin Laundry", and people hang their laundry to dry on the balconies or outside their windows. It's very typical scenery in Japan.