I do not really agree with the slogan of Mos Burger. To me they are just a cheap hamburger chain. Or that was what I thought before I found they were at the intersection.

Not literally in intersection of roads, as this typical shop near Ichigaya station...

... which sells standard cheap burgers and "special" coffees from an automat. That is far from what they promise in their slogan: Mos Burger - Japanese Fine Burger & Coffee
What I mean is this Mos Burger Classic which is at the intersection of diversity. Their whole look, feel and image is different from a standard burger shop.

Even their slogan is different - Not only the Hamburger... Mos Burger Classic worth for waiting

Which is true when looking at the menu...

...but their best selling item during lunch time is a burger anyway. But a classic one, made to order from a wide selection and delivered on a plate (after waiting 10-15 minutes).

They are also one of the rare restaurants around our office having salad on their menu. I'll try it next time as I found it out only after the lunch. Nothing wrong with the burger, it was worth waiting. But I need to loose some weight &;-)
The reason I originally went to this restaurant, was earlier this week when I was looking for a meeting place with a cup of cappuccino one afternoon. For some odd reason I looked in their window and saw that they were selling "not only hamburger..." There were bottles at the bar, and yes the second look confirmed that there was

Now that is something I call being at the intersection of diversity - a Japanese restaurant serving American burgers and Italian cappuccino to a Finnish and a British-Indian guy.
If you want to find out more about intersections, please read the book
Medici Effect by Frans Johansson. The book can at the moment be downloaded for free as a pdf file from the
authors blog or
And remeber to keep your mind open when you are in contact with other cultures, other professions, other educational backgrounds, other sex, other religion, ... whose combination with you at the intersection might lead to something unexpected.