Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Birthday story: Aura

KuukaudetMaa kiertää auringon ympäri vuodessa!Luokka laulaa: The Earth goes around the sun
Tässä on teksti, jonka kirjoitin kouluun (mallin avulla) ja jonka opettajat lukevat erityisessä seremoniassa, jossa Aura kävelee auringon (kynttilä) ympäri karttamaapallo sylissään. Hän kulkee hitaasti viisi kertaa ja opettaja lukee samalla kunkin vuoden tekstin. Aika hauska tapa juhlistaa syntymäpäivää! Kouluun viedään myös yksi valokuva joka elinvuodelta ja opet tekevät niistä aikalinjan luokan seinälle syntymäpäivän ajaksi.

"Birthday story

Five years ago today, Aura was born in a hospital in Helsinki, Finland.

During her first year of life she was a happy baby who liked to sleep in a pram outdoors. She grew bigger and learned how to crawl. We went to her first vacation abroad. She loved the ocean! And then she was one.

During the second year of her life she started to walk and talk. Her first words were mamma (mom) and tyttö (girl). She liked to play with her doll Anni. We played a lot in the garden, too. And then she was two.

During the third year of her life she started her career in a playschool. She got new friends there. She learned a lot, for example how to paint and tidy up. And then she was three.

During the fourth year of her life she moved to Tokyo with her family. She started at MST and learned a lot of English! She was happy to meet new friends! And then she was four.

During the fifth year of her life she had ballet and hula lessons and traveled in Japan and other parts of Asia and America. She loves to speak Japanese and do arts & crafts. And then she was five.

Today Aura is five years old."



Anonymous said...

* Hyvää syntymäpäivää - Happy birthday, Aura! *

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Aura!
Nice party at school!
Best wishes from mumpsa and papsa