Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hot and humid

Tokyo summer is approaching, it's not yet too hot, but the humidity is really high. You can not avoid getting sweat just by being outside.

There is so much humidity in the air, that you can not see far. But better that than the grey skies in Korea I saw during the past couple of days.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sayonara Old Faithful

She took us to places like Odawara, Disneyland, Finland Village, again, again, again, again and again, and Hakone.

She never let us down - in town, on the highway, and not even in the toughest conditions!

She had plenty of room to transport furniture or bicycles.

She had two extra seats to fit our friends to take them places like Disneyland with Grandma and Grandpa, Finland Village and Mt Fuji with Samuli's aunt and her family, Hakone with Grandma and Grandpa, fishing with Grandpa, Finland Village with Michael and Sonoko, or Hakone and Mt Fuji with Jonni and Mannu.

After 12 years and only 40 500 kilometers she is in very good shape to spend her retirement days most likely in Russia, Pakistan or some other exotic destination.

We will miss our Old Faithful Toyota Ipsum!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Harmaa sunnuntai

Sunnuntaiaamu on ollut sateinen ja näkymä ikkunoistamme on varsin harmaa. Viime viikon muuton jäljiltä olemme kaikki uupuneita ja päivän suurin ponnistus on sunnuntailounas jossain lähiseudun ravintolassa.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Muuttopuuhissa osa 2 - Moving out day 2

Kirjahylly purettu - Book self taken apart

Olohuone melkein pakattu - Living room almost packed

Auran huone melkein pakattu - Aura's room almost packed

Makuuhuone pakattu - Master bed room packed

Oskarin huone pakattu - Oskari's room packed

Vain keittiö ja kellari jäljellä - Only kitchen and basement are left

Monday, May 11, 2009

Muuttopuuhissa - Moving out

Olemme asuneet kohta neljä vuotta Tokiossa ja on aika palata kotiin. Muuttokuormaa alettiin pakata tänään, jotta se ehtii Suomeen ennen kuin koulut alkavat syksyllä.

We have been living in Tokyo for almost four years now and it is time to return to Finland. The moving company started packing today in order to get our belongings to Finland in time for the new school year in August.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Run and Walk around the Imperial Palace

We participated the 10th TELL Charity Walk and Runathon! Samuli ran two laps around the Imperial Palace (10 km), Riikka walked one lap with the kids. It was +24C and we really enjoyed it!!

Samuli going along his own path.

Downhill in the beginning.

Imperial palace gate.

"I am thirsty!"

"I am flying!"

Aura finishing the race (Oskari finished 15 minutes earlier).

We did it!

We all did it!