Sunday, October 25, 2009

Starting New Blog

We decided to start a new blog, which should be easier to use than our old blog. Posting something in our old blog always required HTML
tweeking by Samuli, but what we really need is something where even Aura can send an email and THAT'S IT!

Email title = blog post title
Attached pictures = nice picture gallery
url = embedded video

And Posterous is just that!

We also transferred Oskari's blog to posterous so he can send his cool stuff there.

And this even should automatically be published on Facebook - all just by pressing send from selected email addresses.

Our old blog served us well, but it bacame too hard to maintain when we are temporarily living in different timezones. Now we need to figure out a way how to get our old blog saved and printed as a book of our adventures in Tokyo.


hapi said...

Hi ROSA Pahkala, Nice blog! How to add the Glitter Effect Mouse Pointer to your Blog

Anonymous said...

My name Ji Hyun Yi from Korea.
I'd like to contact to Riika Pahka, because I want to publish math book with you. Please contact to me.(